Consideration should also be given to any use of anticholinergic agents (antidepressants, antihistamines, some cardiovascular drugs ... Patient received radioactive iodine therapy 17 months ...
Iodine can block the thyroid gland's take-up of radioactive iodine, but the pills can also cause medical problems. Two people died and six were injured in Thursday's accident at a test site.
In some areas, officials are already handing out the pills, which can stop the body absorbing radioactive iodine. Residents have been told only to take it if a radiation leak is confirmed.
KI pills block the thyroid from absorbing radioactive iodine which may be released during a nuclear incident, the Town of Essex said. KI pills would help to prevent the development of thyroid ...
US endocrinologists are favoring antithyroid drugs over radioactive iodine in initial Graves’ disease treatment, and new ...