The budget Italian restaurant chain is almost aggressively uncool. But in post-pandemic China, it has developed a cult following among penny-pinching Gen Zs It’s the biggest opening the Raffles City ...
Imagine soaring above traffic jams and congested city streets, reaching your destination in a fraction of the time a car would take. With Aerofugia’s innovative air taxis, this dream is set to become ...
In recent years, the “Buddhist Youth“ movement has remained popular in China, going beyond traditional temple visits for practical matters like career success. This movement embraces a ...
This Asian city is home to the world’s first fusion food Do you think fusion food is just something new and flashy? Macanese cuisine, the world’s first fusion food, actually has a history dating back ...
Budget conscious Gen Zs are saving money at community gyms, while also getting some fitness inspiration from ripped uncles and aunties For young Chinese urbanites, going to the gym is probably the ...
“Yo, wassup RADII, this is Novel Fergus.” Allow us to introduce you once again to Novel Fergus — a hip hop poet riding the waves all the way from Hong Kong. A few weeks ago he helped us break down the ...
In 2023, 60% of the 9,960 musical theater performances staged nationwide took place in Shanghai In fact, musical theater is getting so popular in Shanghai that theater fans have dubbed it the ...
When you see an incredibly tall and — even by New York standards — more chic than usual passerby entering your local coffee shop in the East Village, it’s a good sign that Fashion Week is upon us. It ...
The American hip hop artist’s impact endures as tickets for the September 15 event sell out within three minutes On September 15, Ye (formerly known as Kanye West ...
Screening series “Chaos and Order: The Way of Johnnie To” features the director’s classic crime films alongside lesser known comedies When it comes to crime thrillers and dramatic shotgun scenes in ...
The photographer’s images have shaped the aesthetics of Hong Kong film and fashion Any fan of Hong Kong cinema will be able to recognize stills from the sets of Wong Kar-wai’s films. But did you know ...