Sword Art Online is a massive anime juggernaut. Since it first aired in 2012, it has expanded into a franchise with nearly a hundred episodes across four TV series, a feature film, and an OVA—and that ...
Use our Anime Reborn tier list to fill your team with the strongest units and the rarest traits to take down wave after wave ...
Elon Musk's list of favorite anime is bound to please anime fans for how diverse it is, and it has both Makoto Shinkai and ...
Use our list of all the new Anime Reborn codes to summon stronger new units and upgrade them to help you clear levels faster.
Anime offers a variety of cute female characters. These characters are popular for their innocence, resilience, and charm.
Why should heroes have all the fun? The best villains in anime series are quite popular and have a separate fan base as well.