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NASA's New Horizons team has identified a new group of distant Kuiper Belt objects using the Subaru Telescope, revealing that ...
R esearchers looking for objects in the Kuiper Belt – the donut-shaped region beyond the orbit of Neptune containing icy ...
Using a phenomenon known as gravitational lensing, it might be possible to use the sun as a gigantic telescope to peer deep ...
"The most exciting part of the HSC was the discovery of 11 objects at distances beyond the known Kuiper Belt," said Yoshida.
Engineers have mitigated an issue with Voyager 1’s thrusters, enabling the mission to stay in touch with mission controllers ...
Engineers have mitigated an issue with Voyager 1’s thrusters, enabling the mission to stay in touch with mission controllers ...
Despite its demotion, many in Streator and around the world still believe Pluto should be considered a planet, along with the ...
You need only look up to get a sense that there's a lot of darkness between the stars, but how dark is it? Measuring the inky ...
NASA's New Horizons spacecraft, which flew by Pluto in 2015, has offered the best-yet estimates of how dark deep space truly ...
According to the experts, the mysterious objects could be essential for a better understanding of the formation of the solar ...
When the International Astronomical Union announced in 2006 that Pluto was being demoted from its status as the Sun’s ninth ...