John's mother died in 1394 when he was but five years old, in 1399 his father Henry of Bolingbroke, a grandson of Edward III, usurped the throne of his cousin Richard II and was crowned Henry IV. The ...
The eldest surviving son of Charles I and Henrietta Maria of France, daughter of Henry IV of France, the future Charles II was born on 29th May 1630, at St. James Palace, London, the second child of ...
When Britain's last Stuart monarch, Queen Anne died in 1714, the crown of England passed by the 1701 Act of Settlement to the Stuart dynasty's German Protestant cousins, the House of Hanover, or ...
Eighth century England consisted of seven Anglo-Saxon sub-kingdoms that existed in a state of internecine warfare. Occasionally a king of one of the larger three kingdoms, Wessex, Mercia and ...
The legendary Hereward the Wake, the guerrilla leader who headed Anglo- Saxon resistance to William the Conqueror for five years has been called one of history's "greatest Englishmen". The earliest ...
The ornate chapel features lavish decoration and works in marble, glass mosaic and bronze by Henri de Triqueti, Susan Durant, Alfred Gilbert and Antonio Salviati. The east door of the Albert Memorial ...
Canute or Cnut the Great was born circa 985- 995, the son of King Sweyn Forkbeard of Denmark, the identity of his mother is uncertain, although it is likely that she was a Slavic princess, daughter of ...
The Stuarts, that highly romantic but luckless dynasty, succeeded to the English throne on the death of the childless Tudor Queen Elizabeth I in 1603, in the person of James I and VI (1603-1625), son ...
The Crown Jewels are displayed at the Jewel House in the Tower of London and can be viewed there by the public. The coronation of a new sovereign is one of the monarchy's most glittering pageants, ...
On the death of Queen Victoria in 1901 the royal house took the Germanic surname of her consort Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. King Edward VII, who reigned until 1910, was to become the only ...
The House of York, a branch of the Plantagenet family produced 3 Kings of England- Edward IV, the boy king Edward V and Richard III. They descended in the male line from Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of ...
The Principality of Gwynedd emerged in fifth-century Britain during the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons to Britain. Welsh tradition states that Gwynedd was founded by Picts from Lothian invading the lands ...