Perth house prices are booming, with values increasing by 23% in the year to August to be up 76% since the beginning of the ...
Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan’s grovelling tour of India continues, with Allan telling the International Education and ...
Much worse than worst cases: Inventory stuck fast: And completions peeling towards next year’s cliff: No rescue coming from here for commosities.
House Price Index (HPI) reported a 16.7% decline nationally from the market peak reached in 2021. This has taken real inflation-adjusted house prices back to their pre-pandemic level at the start of 2 ...
The Greens and the Coalition have become strange bedfellows on building-to-rent (BTR) housing. Earlier this month, Coalition spokesman on homeownership, Andrew Bragg, cautioned against BTR, warning ...
MB has studiously avoided taking any position on the Israel War. It’s simply not relevant to the Australian national interest. The MSM has sort of divided down partisan lines without much enthusiasm.
The fake left might be the single most evil entity since WWII. For years, I have tried to make the fake left see reason on gas. We need it for the energy transition. But we don’t need it from a ...
David Llewellyn-Smith is Chief Strategist at the MB Fund and MB Super. David is the founding publisher and editor of MacroBusiness and was the founding publisher and global economy editor of The ...
Earlier this month, the chair of Australia’s National Housing Supply and Affordability Council, Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz, attacked the federal government’s international student caps and downplayed their ...
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released demographic data for the March quarter of 2024, which revealed that net overseas migration (NOM) has blown way past the May federal budget’s ...