Grove Eastman, Susan 2010. Israel and the Mercy of God: A Re-reading of Galatians 6.16 and Romans 9–11. New Testament Studies, Vol. 56, Issue. 3, p. 367. Dunson, Ben C. 2011. Faith in Romans: The ...
A writing of the length and richness of Paul's letter to the Romans demands some help for the readers. The traditional division by chapters and verses is not from the pen of the apostle (not even the ...
Ellie Hidalgo joins "Preach" host Ricardo da Silva, S.J., to explore St. Phoebe's diaconal ministry and its implications for ...
The Gospels, in the view of some, should suffice. Yet there are letters, a way of communicating in which a writer appears in ...
Franciscan Fr. Daniel Horan asks, if Jesus entrusted Mary of Magdala to be the first witness to his Resurrection and St. Paul ...
WE should have no doubt about this truth of our faith. Christ himself said, “Whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it.
Catholics have been called again to become one with creation throughout the annual Season of Creation. Drawing on St. Paul’s ...
Saint Paul made two missionary journeys to Greece, bringing Christianity to its people; from there, and it then spread ...
Sometimes, people will ask Cardinal Seán P. O'Malley why St. John's Seminary in Brighton exists. To the cardinal, this question reminds him of the people who asked Noah why he ...
Taken from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans (5:5), the theme of this jubilee year is built upon the virtue of hope. In his Bull of Indiction, Pope Francis wrote: Everyone knows what it is to hope.
By DAVID CARLSON PASTOR It’s been said the Bible is the world’s least read bestseller. A Christian friend, new in his faith, said: “The Bible is so ...