Father Vachetta was a poet and scholar, steeped in Biblical theology. Using the Latin Vulgate, he wove the novena from the psalms and prophecies of the Old Testament which foretold the coming of the ...
Bruce Gordon shows how believers in every era have experienced their sacred book through all the human senses.
Ah, but those who “know” are truly blessed. And in the clownish vulgate of online progressive culture, forged in the inchoate fires of a shrill Gnosticism, we can identify members of the flock ...
This Bible is commonly called the Vulgate, the common version. Even after a thousand years, Latin still remained the universal language in Europe. Translating the Bible into the vernacular ...
In September — the month the Catholic Church especially dedicates to the Bible — Mexico, a country with rich linguistic ...
"A father does not do that, a father helps you to get up immediately." It is a translation from the Latin Vulgate, a 4th-Century Latin translation of the Bible, which itself was translated from ...
Carmen Diaz claims that “Grease is the only cure for a hangover,” but Harvard’s Medical School has other ideas.
The quotation is from the Latin Vulgate text of Numbers 10:35 and the Psalm now numbered 68:1—verses that may have been put to unexpected use. In the Life of Saint Guthlac, written around 740 ...
AV, RSV, and NIV all follow the same path as NRSV, choosing to vary the way they translate the one Greek verb. The old ...
Positioned behind the batters on each site of home plate, the 2.5x8.5-foot, 6mm backstop displays run animations, graphics, ...
In the second of two articles, Michael Hahn marks 800 years since St Francis’s receiving the stigmata, with an exploration of ...
Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, love is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek ...