Noise and highway impact concerns have ruled out a proposed farm diversification scheme at a barn in Gloucestershire for an indoor electric bike track for children. Join Planning now and pay nothing ...
A proposal for 42 affordable homes in Derbyshire has been judged not to constitute appropriate green belt development. Join Planning now and pay nothing for your first 30-days.
Harm to the highway network has scuppered a proposal for 460 homes on the edge of a Warwickshire town. Join Planning now and pay nothing for your first 30-days.
A council’s decision to vary conditions attached to an outline scheme for housing which was retrospectively quashed was unlawful, the High Court has ruled.
The public benefits of a proposed energy recovery facility at a Dorset port have been held to outweigh heritage and other impacts. Join Planning now and pay nothing for your first 30-days.
Very special circumstances have been found for a solar farm and battery storage facility on green belt land in Essex. Join Planning now and pay nothing for your first 30-days.
A council has approved a 12-megawatt battery energy storage system (BESS) scheme on green belt land in an area of outstanding ...
Wildlife regulator Natural England has launched a consultation on plans to extend the Surrey Hills national landscape by 30 ...
A report on a council becoming the first in the country to launch a digital system designed to make it easier for residents ...
Planning permissions for housing are at their lowest level for a decade and will need to soar by 55 per cent to reach the ...
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