Go back to Part I and Part II of this series of articles. This Coral derived cabinet has fascinated me from the outset and when a pair of Goodmans Twin Axioms came my way I started on yet another ...
After the shocking success of the T-Amp, almost 15 years ago (!!!) we have tested many other chip-based inexpensive amplifiers. They all lacked something, be it sufficient output power, reasonable ...
I'm pretty sure that I've never before had a Puffin in my stereo sound system, and I missed the Budgie, so I was keen to give this intriguing product a go. DSP application direct to my turntable was ...
In the first installment of this series we had a look at the noise generated at the output of a number of easy to build and cheap voltage regulators: single-chip series and shunt regs (LM317/337 and ...
Alcuni anni fa decisi di cambiare il pre-amplificatore, che ritenevo essere, all'epoca, l'anello debole del mio impianto. La sfida sarebbe consistita nel trovare il miglior componente possibile entro ...
As with most budget conscious CD-Players, one of the most inadequate parts that make up the whole is the Chassis/Case. Marantz's Ken Ishiwata has realised that himself and therefor the MAIN ...
What's this then, since when is TNT doing tuners? It isn't actually, it's just me being controversial again. Actually, I must confess - I'm a radio freak. When I was in the first grade, way back in ...
Approx. price: Sword 3m pair: $795 - Rondo 4x2.5= $2.60 / foot - Fork XL Spades= $20.00 / pack I admit to having a long-standing curiosity about the Swedish Supra line of cables. First of all, they're ...
For some people, hi-fi can be a cruel mistress! An endless quest for better sound quality. Just when you are satisfied with one part of your system, another part cries out for up-grading! One of the ...
After the good results of the Preamble there was another component type I wanted to test in the single ended circuit topology I am working on. Nuvistors were the last born in the classic tube world: ...
The sole role of your Hi-Fi system is to extract the information recorded on your source material and generate sufficient power to drive your chosen loudspeakers. Ideally, apart from any required ...
Supra (Jenving) is a well-known HiFi manufacturer that built its fame upon a series of speaker cables which were very popular during the Eighties, when audiophiles started to consider seriously the ...